Become an irreplaceable BA for every stakeholder


  • Associated Roles:
    • Software Engineer
    • Software Developer
    • Programmer
    • Coder

  • Responsibilities:
    • Innovate and develop high-quality technology products and solutions
    • Fix defects found in codes

  • Influence:
    • They exercise a ‘Low’ level of influence and are mentored by the project’s Technical Lead.

  • Interests (what they like):
    • Unambiguous requirements captured in an easy-to-understand document.
    • Efficient machines with the required software installed

  • What You (as a BA) could do:
    • Have a high-level understanding of the development workflow yourself
    • Help the dev team members understand the project’s functionality
    • Provide comprehensive requirement documents and clarify their doubts
    • Review and assist them with the unit testing of their work products
    • Encourage them to ask questions; you could be a BA that the team loves!
    • Know them as a human being (and not just as a developer)

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